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Gentoo, Openstack and OSIC

What to use it for

I recently applied for, and use an allocation from do extend more support for running Openstack on Gentoo. The end goal of this is to allow Gentoo to become a gated job within the Openstack test infrastructure. To do that, we need to add support for building an image that can be used.


To speed up the work on adding support for generating an openstack infra Gentoo image I already completed work on adding Gentoo to diskimage builder. You can see images at


The actual work has been slow going unfortunately, working with upstreams to add Gentoo support has tended to find other issues that need fixing along the way. The main thing that slowed me down though was the Openstack summit (Newton). That went on at the same time and reveiws were delated at least a week, usually two.

Since then though I've been able to work though some of the issues and have started testing the final image build in diskimage builder.

More to do

The main things left to do is to add gentoo support to the bindep elemet within diskimage builder and finish and other rough edges in other elements (if they exist). After that, Openstack Infra can start caching a Gentoo image and the real work can begin. Adding Gentoo support to the Openstack Ansible project to allow for better deployments.
